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Dealing with deception

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Distort the Scriptures to own destruction The world is full of disinformation and deception, it also affect churches. Many are teaching mixture of man’s doctrine with scripture with fewer people preaching the whole counsel of God. As it is written,… Read More »Dealing with deception

The Rhema word of God

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I have been meditating for quite some time on the verse in (Matthew 4:4 NIV) Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ ” I… Read More »The Rhema word of God

God’s will or evildoers

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If you ask any self-professing Christian; “are you an evildoer or born again believer?” The answer is quite obvious, but is this true? We need to examine the scriptures more carefully. Jesus said: (Matthew 7:21-23 ISV) “Not everyone who keeps… Read More »God’s will or evildoers

Armor of God

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It is written: (Ephesians 6:11) Put on the whole armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the devil’s strategies.  For our struggle is not against a human opponent, but against rulers, against authorities, against… Read More »Armor of God

Selective Believing

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Jesus said: (John 6:40) For this is my Father’s will, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him to life on the last day.” Certainly there lots of people… Read More »Selective Believing

Casual or Serious

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After following the Psalms to pray and meditate for a few years, I am still learning to pray as a beginner. For there are so many things I don’t understand and those easy to understand I don’t take it seriously.… Read More »Casual or Serious

Oracles of God

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It is written; If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; (1Pe4:11), Although I know this verse is very important for a long time and wrote about it in the front page, but it only remained… Read More »Oracles of God

Wait on The Lord

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Every believer knows we should wait on the Lord, so I started to try again several days ago. The first thing came to my mind is to get ready for Him 24/7. Some time later I started my computer to… Read More »Wait on The Lord